Saturday, March 29, 2008

Required Reading in Texas Schools

There was an article in the Austin Statesman on March 25 entitled "What do you think of the required reading in your child’s school? Is the material age appropriate?". The Statesman again took the route of actually asking for comments at the end of the article. They got a lot of crazy ones. There are people saying that there shouldn't be school and a lot of god stuff. There's one commenter named Bob who throws out quotes like "The children of today are practically all retarded compared to when I was just starting elementary school." and " those damn kids do not get out of the road, let Darwinism weed them out! In fact, I think if you can hit them and make their mothers cry, you get an extra ten points. Twenty if the mother is giving birth to another one of her twenty children when it happens.". Not someone I'd ever like to meet. There is actually a comment here by a 13 year old student. My favorite quote would have to be whoever pulled out the Simpsons in the middle of this. The commenter, Ralph Wiggum, the comment "Me fail English? That’s unpossible!".

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