Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fake Austin City Limits Fest Poster

There was an article in the Austin Statesmen yesterday entitled "Exclusive!!! ACL Fest poster!!! (It’s a fake)". Someone made a fake poster with a fake lineup for the Austin City Limits Fest, which won't be announcing it's line up until April 15th. Whomever made it, emailed it to a lot of interested parties, and many people were tricked. Three people commented on this. One of the comments struck me as random. He said "the fact that paul westerberg is listed was an immediate indication that it was a fake.". I can't figure out why he thinks that? Paul Westerberg was the singer of The Replacements, a great band, and still tours playing his solo material and material he wrote for The Replacements. It wouldn't surprise me to see him at this type of event. Maybe the commenter was reffering to the fact that he's not quite as famous as most of the names on the poster, but I don't know. He has to be more famous than Explosions In The Sky or Band Of Horses, who are listed in the same section as him, let alone the half dozen bands on there that I haven't heard of.

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