Sunday, February 24, 2008

Comments on Article about Obama rally in Austin

In the Austin Statesmen, there was a small article on February 23rd, about the Obama rally in Austin, The article doesn't go into policy or anything that Obama spoke about. It mostly just stated that there was a rally, Obama spoke, and it focussed on how fast they were able to clean up after the rally. This warrented 25 commonts as of 3PM on February 24th. Practically right off the bat, the second comment addressed one reader's negative views about Obama stating

"In the debate,Hillary said that she will introduce COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM within the first hundred days of her presidency. Unlike Obama, Hillary is for universal health care. Hillary supports the Latinos!"

The comments go on to be mostly a debate about each readers particular views about the candidates on a variety of issues. Obviously some of the readers are more informed than others, but that's not what surprises me. What surprises me is that almost no one addressed the article. They chose an article that wasn't really about anything controvertial, and decided that there was the place to start a largish debate. There was even a comment thrown in stating

"Nader 2008"

First off, I'm surprised that Nader would run. I'm a big fan of Ralph Nader as well, but what does he have to do with the article? If you go and read the article, it really doesn't have the substance to substantiate this level of debate.

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