Friday, February 15, 2008

Santa Clause Letter

This is in response to the letter asking about Santa Claus to the New York Sun on September 21, 1897. I think the author did a great job with this response. He covered his bases on both sides. I like how he wrote it to sound nice to a child, and answer the question, but at the same time he wrote it much more for the adult to read. I don't think anyone would be bothered by this response. If he had come out and said no, there would be a lot of negative response. If he came out and said yes without the type of explanation that he gave, there would have probably been some negative response. I also found it strange that the editor actually responded to the letter. Other than Dear Abby, I don't think I've seen the editor respond to a letter. Ussually they just print the letter. I'd be curious to see if any other papers have done something like this more recently. If they did, I can't imagine the response could be much different in content. If it was they'd be opening themselves up for criticism.

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